Hand of Fate Wiki

Event[ | ]

You're travelling through a quiet hamlet. At first, its rural aspect appears quaintly serene, but as you near the central square you realise that the lack of activity is due to disaster. A scene of great destruction reveals itself, and you wonder army or force of nature besieged this place? You spot one villager retrieving their belongings from the pile of rubble that used to be their home. You call out to them.

The villager's head snaps round like a frightened woodland creature. "Are you quite mad? Such noise will only tempt the beast to return! Can you not see that we've suffered enough?" Upon further, quieter, inquiry the villager tells you that a ghostly-pale beast smashed through town a few days before. It destroyed or devoured everything in its path, before heading east out of town. "May the gods have mercy on any who cross its path." You cannot tell whether this is a warning or a prayer.
Place "Tracks in Mud" card.
Startled, the villager flees immediately without even a glance in your direction. Perhaps thievery, not salvage was their motive. A cloud of fear hung in the air long after they disappeared into the nearby woods.

Tracks in Mud[ | ]

It is easy to follow the trail of carnage from town into the woods. However, once there, it becomes much more difficult: many animals and beasts travel here, and their tracks are crossed and confused.

This gigantic beast leaves tracks that are easy enough to follow.
Place "Tracks of Blood" card.
A countless number of footprints, tracks and scratch marks create an incomprehensible mess that you cannot follow.

Tracks of Blood[ | ]

The smell hits you like a hammer blow, twisting your stomach into knots. You've followed the tracks to a lair or den of some kind: this is where it feeds. Blood stains the broken ground where it mangles its prey. You wait in the shadows where you both hope for, and dread, its return.

You feel the ground tremble before any sound reaches your ears. Then you hear the forest giving way to the unimaginable force that is approaching. Moments later, the White Minotaur's gargantuan form explodes into view, clenching tonight's meal in its jaws. You ready your weapon for the fight, but before you can react, a musket blast rings out from another hiding spot, narrowly missing the creature. Behind its eyes, you watch the minotaur consider whether to fight or flee. The huntsman reveals himself and the great beast roars, then turns tail, with the huntsman in close pursuit.
Place "Tracks at Night" card.
Perhaps the beast never returns to its feeding sites or it became aware of your spying. Either way your wait is uneventful and ultimately futile.

Tracks at Night[ | ]

You burst from the brush and follow the huntsman as he pursues the White Minotaur. Night has fallen since you arrived and the chase proceeds at a breakneck pace. It isn't long before you lose sight of both your quarries, but you can still hear them somewhere up ahead. Then, clearly, the huntsman yells "If you want to share this bounty then you'll need to pull your finger out!" You pick up the pace and head towards the sound of his voice.

Dashing through the trees, you follow the huntsman's voice until it leads you into an underground structure. His voice continues to echo from inside, and you delve deeper.
Acquire card's token.
The sounds of the chase disappear into the night, leaving you alone in the darkness.

Unlocked By[ | ]

The Mug and Barrel

Token[ | ]

For tracking the White Minotaur, you receive:
Encounter: The Labyrinth
